One Two Three Four! Bring Them Home And End This War!
This past weekend has been an important one for the anti-war activists who want an end to the Iraq war. On September 24th, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in Washington D.C. and cities throughout the United States. Similar demonstrations took place in Canada and other parts of the world. Other events have been planned throughout the weekend, but the message to the British and American governments is clear: end the war now.
Americans, by and large, are now opposed to the war, and that isn't going to change any time soon (with the possible exception of them becoming even more opposed). The Sheehan campaign has had an impact on this. She wanted Bush to tell her to her face why her son had to die in Iraq. She's not the only grieving relative, but her campaign has put a human face on the tragedy in a way people can relate to.
Yet despite the support she's receiving, some political advisors think that there's something laughable about a woman who wants to know the truth about why her son was killed. I think the fact that she was arrested shows the fear the Bush Administration has of her. She's clearly struck a chord. Add to that the fact that the pundits who have been criticising her for not supporting the War on Terror. Personally, I question whether or not the pundits are serious about winning the War on Terror, as they could be much more effective by enlisting to go and fight instead of talking into a TV camera.
This weekend, the anti-war movement sent Bush and Blair an important message: we're here to stay.